Forming opinions so you don't have to!

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Future Of The Left - Travels With Myself And Another

 Future of the Left - Arming Eritrea
Runs for: 2:57
That bass! That chorus guitar! Them drums! fwoaaahhh
Noisy. GOOD.

When I got my hands on this around two or so months ago, I couldn’t stop listening to it. Every day I’d be ripping through it at least once – I thought it was one of the best rock/noise albums I’d ever listened to. I still believe that.

I’ve covered Future of the Left’s most recent release in my review ‘The Plot Against Common Sense’. I didn’t like that album, but everything I have to say about the band in general I think I summed up pretty well there – they’re formed from the remnants of one of the UK’s better alt rock acts, instrumentally they’re very heavy, lyrically they’re bizarre and they know how to make a solid album.

Three things will stick out as soon as the album gets going. Firstly, bass tone. It’s gritty, powerful and borderline what I’d call ‘heavy metal’ whist still having decent rock hooks. Secondly, drums. They’re snappy, crisp, and it’s hard to find the right word to say that they just *work*. Sometimes it rolls quick, semi jazz like, and sometimes (especially on their last album ‘Curses’) they’ll crash like thunder. Finally, Andy Falkous. The front man uses both electric organ and guitar. I think his guitar work is, and always has been very decent for what it is. Not terribly complicated, but very versatile. He can work with a lot of styles – creating a semi epic feel with ‘Arming Eritrea’, a snappy rock track with ‘Stand by your Manatee’ or poppy and fucking odd with ‘Lapsed Catholics.’ His vocals stretch all over the place. He can howl like a demon or sing like a gentleman. Lyrically though there is no fucking way of figuring out what’s going through his mind. He’ll create a semi believable narrative and then top it off with something completely bizarre such as finding out that someone’s parents use plastic forks. Maybe this is some sort of insane metaphor and I’m an idiot, but he’s definitely got confusing the listener down to an art. Or so I believe.

Thematically, in the album, you’ll get a dose of pterodactyls,  monologues about Murdoch and the devil, finding love at a satanic orgies, the errors of introducing Reginald J. Trotsfield to the Fearsome Brown and all sorts of brilliance that should help you get by with your day to day business. As obscure as it all sounds, musically it’s very well constructed. It’s got a very familiar rock vibe whilst still being incredibly unique and quite listenable - I think that’s why this band works.

I firmly believe this is one of the best rock albums released. There’s one track I skip – ‘That Damn Fly’ (song does nothing for me, or the album in my opinion) but the rest of it is good to exceptional rock. The first 4 tracks are fucking brilliant, and even songs that don’t appear that good at first – The Hope that House Built namely - will end up growing on you. I didn’t get it at first but the chord work is REALLY good in my eyes.

Back to what I was saying though, I believe this to be one of the best rock albums unleashed upon this earth, but I don’t believe it’s for everyone. A lot of this album could be considered abrasive in it’s originality. It’s loud, unforgiving and obscure. This is comparable to rock like rough sex is comparable to making out. And on that analogy, ask yourself – which one is more satisfying?

Reccomended for: Possibly fans of At The Drive in, or very very verrry loosely like a punk version of Muse (at least bass and drum wise). Maybe even for fans of Queens of the Stone Age. Definitely not recommended for the weak.

P.s. Also, I recommend you check out Curses too. Not as good as an album, but the first four tracks along with a couple at the end are furious. One blogger put it down as ‘Music to hate people to’. I think Falkous’ previous band McLusky was better for that but he’s still got a valid fucking point! CHECK THIS OUT!

 Future of the Left - Throwing Bricks at Trains
Runs for: 2:36
Only slightly ridiculous, 
but it's got a certain strain of weird that makes it awesome.

Future of the Left - Plague of Onces
Runs for: 3:03
This is the second track off 'Curses'
and holy shit that drop at the middle. So raw!

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