Forming opinions so you don't have to!

Saturday, 19 January 2013

A few blues tracks for those looking to dabble.

Last year I decided I’d try to get into a couple of new styles of music. I tried Jazz, and it sucked. I tried black metal and realised I’d have to be 15 and trying to look edgy to high schoolers to get into it so I left it alone (why bother with black metal when sludge is far superior? SUCK IT METALFAGS). I tried the blues though  and thoroughly enjoyed it! I expanded my music library greatly and learnt a few new things on guitar as a result.

This here is a quick list of blues songs you can listen to if you’re looking to get an appreciation for it. I personally prefer delta blues over electric blues, just because there’s a certain bare-bones aesthetic to delta blues that most electric artists I’ve come across seem to lack. Albert King is the exception to the rule though.

Son House is easily my favourite artists due to the fact that his mastery of the guitar is such that most songs he did on the father of the delta blues compilation had a real sort of solid soundscape behind the music that makes it sound like more than one instrument is at work. He experiments with a lot of musical styles as well – outside of his powerful blues tunes, there’s also elements of gospel worked into the album. The whole thing is like a hearty musical stew! Along with this, Son House was apparently a massive influence on Jack White of The White Stripes. Bit of trivia there for you.

John Lee Hooker is probably my second favourite. I’ve got to admit, while I love his voice to death, I get it confused sometimes with the voice of Muddy Waters – but Serves You Right To Suffer is probably my second favourite blues album that I own. It’s electric but doesn’t go over the top with it like I feel some of the other blues musicians I’ve got into do.

Another favourite is Mississippi Fred Mcdowell. His music is the perfect example of the kind of intimacy that you can only get from the delta blues – that single guitar working up all kinds of magic. Lots of really obscure sounds coming from (what I assume to be) decent slider work.

Anyway enough of me crapping on. Here’s a few songs for people looking to get into the blues.

Son House - Death Letter

John Lee Hooker - It Serves You Right To Suffer


Mississippi Fred McDowell - Kokomo Me, Baby

Albert King - Personal Manager

Just for the record I pretty much just snapped up any Youtube video I saw on the list. I don't know if they'll be perfect quality. Sorry!

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