Forming opinions so you don't have to!

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Beach Fossils - Crash The Truth

Beach Fossils - Careless
Runs for 3:04
Pretty good track. Instrumentally it's good and keeps you optimistic for the album...

This is a pretty cool post-punk release. Something nice and early in the year with a good blend of indie and post punk, also with a dash of dream pop in some instances. It’s a pretty easy listen, and you can tell these guys have some form of talent, but I'm hesitant to say that this album worth anything better than a 3/5. Not that I use a rating scale here, but you get the point.

Some of the music here involves very snappy drums with post punk guitar, creating a nice retro sound. The vocals are pretty airy and sort of hover over the instrumentals quite nicely. There are also some slower, more relaxed tracks and the band executes this style pretty well too. The album opens pretty strongly with the title track, which if you examine it closely, it seems to focus on the meaning of post punk itself - what it’s supposed to be about as words rather than a genre. The opening song ends with repeated lyrics getting more forceful every loop which seems very forceful and a bit punk styled. It seems like a clever moment in music, but the rest of the album doesn't really follow this adventurous approach.

The problem is that it does get a bit same-y. They've got a very good sound, but it’s no good having an album where you only showcase that with little variation. The tracks tend to keep rolling with very few changes in vocal style or guitar riffs, leaving the work for the bass and the guitar. Now this can come off as pretty interesting, but at the end of the song you’re left relatively unsatisfied. Sometimes they do change up the guitar and it works pretty well, but then they leave the bass and the drums doing the same thing for the rest of the song, leaving you with the same problem as before. If the album had a few more tempo changes, breaks or more interesting vocal work in most of the tracks, you’d actually have a phenomenal album on your hands instead of a listen-able one. There’s also a few moments that sound too similar in terms of the riff-work which is a bit shit.

Not to say that this is a bad album. It’s full of decent songs, but they’ll probably be better suited to a playlist or radio play rather than a proper sit down. These guys have the potential to amount to amazing things – I’m eager to see if that’ll ever happen. 

Beach Fossils - Crashed out
Runs for 3:24
Again, another strong track. Really picks up nicely.

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